Business activities and care for the environment

Whatever your business calls, we are here to help.

I coach my clients to practice the 3 D’s – Defer, Delegate or Delete. Can the particular activity be done later? Defer it! Can it be done by someone else? Delegate it! Does it need to be done at all? If not, consider deleting it! Posing these questions will help to keep you focused on what is truly important!

The best way is to develop and follow a plan. Start with your goals in mind and then work backward to develop the plan. What steps are required to get you to the goals? Make the plan as detailed as possible. Try to visualize and then plan for, every possible setback. Commit the plan to paper and then keep it with you at all times. Review it regularly and ensure that every step takes you closer to your Vision and Goals. If the plan doesn’t support the vision then change it!


Along with your plans, you should consider developing an action orientation that will keep you motivated to move forward at all times. This requires a little self-discipline but is a crucial component to achievement of any kind commitment – understanding the price and having the willingness to pay that price.

  • Making the decision
  • Clarity – developing the Vision
  • Believing in yourself and those
  • If success is a process with a number
  • Having clarity of purpose
  • Why is Clarity so important
  • You will sail along until you collide
  • The sad thing is the majority

You will drift aimlessly until you arrive back at the original dock.

Work process
  1. Making the decision
  2. Clarity – developing the Vision
  3. Focus – having a plan
  4. Belief – believing in yourself


Introspection is the trick. Understand what you want, why you want it and what it will do for you. This is a critical factor, and as such, is probably the most difficult step. For this reason, most people never complete this aspect – then wonder why life is so difficult!

Perfect design

Once you have a clear understanding of what you want, it is critical that you engage in goal setting – specifically setting SMART goals.

Easy to Customize

Once you have a clear understanding of what you want, it is critical that you engage in goal setting – specifically setting SMART goals.

Fast Customer support

Focus is having the unwavering attention to complete what you set out to do. There are a million distractions in every.

Powerful Performance

So, how can we stay on course with all the distractions in our lives? Willpower is a good start, but it’s very difficult


Along with your plans, you should consider developing an action orientation that will keep you motivated to move forward at all times. This requires a little self-discipline after the fact that the price was too high.

This is perhaps the single biggest obstacle that all of us must overcome in order to be successful.

The best way is to develop and follow a plan. Start with your goals in mind and then work backward to develop the plan. What steps are required to get you to the goals? Make the plan as detailed as possible. Try to visualize and then plan for, every possible setback.